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How would you describe yourself?

The words I would use would be a “passionate investor in life.” I believe in investing in my life, be it in education, health or spiritual walk. But more than that, I believe in investing in other lives too.

How has being a Senior Pastor impacted you?

Being a SP has caused me to be ever-growing and constantly upgrading. I truly believe that I’m a better person today than I was 5 years ago. Growing means to learn, do, and change my character more. Throughout the years, I’ve had to refine my teaching methods and even my personality to ensure that I’m always improving for the better.

Lawrence Chua


Senior Pastor

Living Sanctuary Brethren Church

What do you value most?

I value relationships the most. Be it relationships with family, colleagues or speakers, I want to maintain a friendly relationship that is not just “hi-bye” or purely transactional. I also value my relationship with God. I believe God cherishes my relationship with Him and I treasure the fact that He is my Father.

What makes a good church?

To me, a good church is a balanced church. A balance between the word and Holy Spirit, between joy of fellowship and seriousness in work, and between being an inward looking church and outward outreach. Our church has found something very exciting which is SDC (Simple Discipleship Church) because we have finally found a simple way of ensuring that the church is well balanced!

A word with our Senior Pastor


Elders Board

Lawrence Chua
Lawrence Chua
& Cindy
Patrick Wong
Patrick Wong
& Winnie
Chris Koh
Chris Koh
& Stella
Wan Wei Chuen
Wan Wei Chuen
& Li Miin
Kelly Choo
Kelly Choo
& Beng Hoon
Edwin Ho
Edwin Ho
& Eunice
Kevin Loy
Kevin Loy
& Tina
Jason Tan
Jason Tan
& Bridget
(Elder Intern)
Melvin Gan
Melvin Gan
& Wendy
Stephen Choy
Stephen Choy
& Kian Bee
James Lee
James Lee
& Sharon
Nelson Chua
Nelson Chua
& Kam Leng
(Elder Intern)

Pastoral Team

Smiling Couple
Lawrence Chua

Senior Pastor (Honorary)

Smiling Couple
Patrick Wong

Pastor In Charge of English Church

Pastor Mentor

Smiling Couple
Ivor Peck

Pastor In Charge of Community Pastoring Ministry

Zone Pastor

Smiling Couple
Elaine Chua 蔡开燕

Pastor In Charge of Chinese Church

Zone Pastor

Smiling Couple
Yong Yang

Pastor In Charge of Youth Church

Smiling Couple
Dong Y.K.

Pastor In Charge of Missions

Smiling Couple
Melvin Gan

Deputy Senior Pastor (Honorary)

Smiling Couple
Ruth Tay

Pastor In Charge of Cell Ministry (Honorary)

Smiling Couple
Kelvin Poh

Pastor In Charge of Community Relations

Smiling Couple
Jane Hui 许锦红

Zone Pastor

Smiling Couple
Sara Yeo

Assistant Pastor (Youth Church)

Smiling Couple
Josie Sim

Missions (Field Pastor)

Smiling Couple
Tan Kwee Choon

Executive Pastor

Pastor In Charge of Equipping

Zone Pastor

Smiling Couple
Elizabeth Thia

Pastor In Charge of Prayer

Smiling Couple

Smiling Couple
Angeline Quek 许俊凤

Zone Pastor

Smiling Couple
Maryanne Tan

Pastor In Charge of Children's Church

Smiling Couple
Susan Choo

Pastor In Charge of Worship



Smiling Couple

Stella Tan

Executive Director

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